Our Newport One team loves to celebrate with our clients.  Whether it’s campaigns that raise more than projected or strong year-over-year growth or a record year of adoptions, we all pause to be thankful for the opportunity to work with great shelters.

We are excited to announce the addition of a new shelter to our family of clients.

The Delaware Humane Association is partnering with Newport One to grow its fundraising to serve the animals in its community.

“We’ve selected Newport One because of their long-term success in the animal welfare sector, their focus on our strategic needs and clear understanding of who Delaware Humane is, as well as their deep commitment to Delaware’s animals and people,” says Patrick Carroll, Executive Director, DHA.

“We are excited to be working with Newport One. The team at Newport has been great to work with. With timely responses and strong support on the creative and data, it has been a great transition,” says Greg Munson, Director of Development at DHA.

Check them out https://delawarehumane.org/

We’re honored to be working with Delaware Humane Association and all our animal organizations.

If you’d like to hear about some of our other successes in recruiting monthly donors, leveraging digital media and customizing creative, contact us. 

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